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CWA 2013The Slovak Zion Synod is a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are one of the 65 synods that compose the church body. We are unique in the sense that we are based on mission, instead of geographic location, so we can spread our wings far and wide. With congregations from NYC all the way to Chicago, we cover a lot of ground. And through the ELCA we accomplish more than we ever could alone! The ELCA is a community of faith that shares a passion for making positive changes in the world. Our faith is built around a strong belief in God as made known to us in Jesus Christ. Through worship, service, and education, we practice our faith, grow our relationship with God and experience God’s grace in our lives. We also work hard to put our faith into action. In today’s complex world, we strive to make a difference in practical, realistic ways. With more than 10,000 congregations across the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and 4.2 million members—we welcome you to experience this church right in your community. Explore the ELCA, and help us celebrate our gift of faith—with action.

RSS Daily Bible Reading

  • Romans 11:25-32
    25So that you may not claim to be wiser than you are, brothers and sisters, I want you to understand this mystery: a hardening has come upon part of Israel, until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. 26And so all Israel will be saved; as it is written, "Out of Zion will […]