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Fall Activities Under Way

Fall Activities Under Way

TORRINGTON, CT (SZS) — With autumn comes the changing colors of the leaves and a growing chill in the air. However, while nature may be slowing down for the winter, many of us are picking up our pace as we resume our work and school schedules. The same is true...
Glimpses Into Summer Around the Synod

Glimpses Into Summer Around the Synod

TORRINGTON, CT (SZS) — With summer comes the many joys that accompany a renewed focus on wellness and self-care, such as much needed vacations and downtime. Yet, many in our Slovak Zion Synod family are also enjoying a sense of renewed love, mission, and...
Welcoming the Arrival of Our 2018 Students

Welcoming the Arrival of Our 2018 Students

TORRINGTON, CT (SZS) — Our Synod, in partnership with the leadership of the Lutheran Theological Seminary of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (Evanjelická Bohoslovecká Fakulta, Univerzita Komenského), is hosting three seminary students as this...