TORRINGTON, CONN (SZS) — The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton officially took office as Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on November 1, 2013 and began her responsibilities in the ELCA’s Churchwide Offices located in Chicago, Illinois. She was elected at the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in Pittsburgh on August 14.
Marking this new, historic season of ministry in the life of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, more than 1,500 people gathered on October 5 at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel on the University of Chicago campus for her installation as ELCA presiding bishop. Eaton is the ELCA’s fourth presiding bishop and the first woman to lead the 4 million member church.

Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, on the University of Chicago Campus

Synod Vice President Jerry Owen and his spouse Nancy in attendance

The procession begins

The Rev. Jessica Crist, Bishop of the Montana Synod and Chair of the Conference of Bishops

Presiding Bishop-elect, the Rev. Elizabeth Eaton

Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson

The Rev. T. Conrad Selnick, spouse of Bishop-elect Eaton, reads the Gospel

Bishop Crist preaches the sermon

Ecumenical participants in the Rite of Installation gather; Secretary Swartling presents Bishop Eaton

“Will you give faithful witness in the world, so that God’s love may be known in all that you do?” “I will, and I ask God to help me.”

Bishop Kucharek of the Slovak Zion Synod, during the Rite of Installation, seated with Dr. Martin E. Marty and colleague bishops

Ecumenical partner representatives lay hands in blessing on Bishop Eaton

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

“The peace of Christ be with you always.”

Presiding Bishop Eaton shares a sign of the Lord’s peace with her family

The Communion Liturgy begins

“Through him, with him, in him; In the unity of the Holy Spirit”

Bishop Kucharek communes

Go in peace. Serve the Lord.
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