Week 5.8 – 11.8


This week again, I will have a sermon at the next Sunday worship service. It is a nice but art task to prepare a sermon. it will be a lot of work, but I’m happy that I can practice my sermon skills.

We start our day in Pastor’s office, where we read the scriptures and look for them in origin languages. we also prepare our ideas and thoughts, which we get after we read these scriptures. It was funny mainly to search for the original meaning of Greek and Hebrew words.

At lunch with Pastor, we discussed everything that would we find. We eat lunch at Pent’s station which is a very good local sandwich restaurant. With food, it was easier to think and brainstorm about scriptures. Pastor gives me a lot of ideas and hints on how I can prepare my sermon. It was a good time.

It looks like my sermon will be about that bread and good bread. I will talk about how affect us things we consume for our soul and spirit.


Tuesday was short today. Before lunch, I prepare a sermon and after lunch, we go with Pastor to visit Ema. I mentioned Ema already. She is 109 years old and I met with her at the Slovak Sokol picnic.

Emma has issues with hearing so we must talk very loud, almost shouting at her. But still, it was a nice and happy visit.

e, talk with her about life in a nursing home and how things go. It’s amazing how she is enthusiastic and full of joy for life. She talks about how she talks with other people in a nursing home, how she talks about Jesus, and makes people a little bit more happy.

I want to have so much hope and strength like Emma. At 109 years old age, she is not depressed from life but lives a full life with Jesus.
After this talk, the Pastor served communion to Emma. In the end, I pray for Emma and we leave. It was a great visit.

Wednesday – Amish country and tornado

That day I went on another trip with Marilyn. Marilyn is a woman in her 70s she likes to do art and paintings. Today she takes me to Amish country.

We started our trip by traveling to Amish, which was around one hour ride by car. The funny part about this trip was how easily you can lost in the countryside. But fortunately, we have GPS and maps so we find a way to Amish country very quickly.
After we stopped in Maryland’s favorite restaurant. in this restaurant, I have farm and traditional meals. it was a great place and great food there.

After this, we go to to Amish Museum. This museum was amazing. The most impressive were nine big paintings in one house, which tell the story of how the Amish community began. we had a good guide. Tell us every story from paintings. It was very nice and now I know how the Amish community began and why they exist.

The last part of our trip with Marilyn was right back home. We spent an hour riding to the host family’s house. we talked a lot about art, how Marilyn does art, and which style she loves. I ask her how big is her family and where she lives. it was a nice trip and we had a good time together. Thank you for the trip, Marilyn.


In the evening when I was at Randy and Peggy’s house happened one interesting thing. on my phone ring notification with noticed that in this area is strong, wind and tornado. I was very surprised and shocked by this message. At the first second, I thought that there is a nuclear attack.

I take every electronic from my room and run to Peggy, to ask what’s happened. She sat in a chair and she told me that everything was OK. This message is nothing unusual. We calmly went to the basement and waited until the strong wind ended. It was very interesting to watch how looks tornado is monitored on television.
It was funny end of the day 😄.


Thursday was a short day because in church was no electricity. After the tornado and strong wind, which was yesterday lots of houses and facilities in Cleveland were without power. I spent the rest of the day in Peggy’s house writing a sermon and relaxing.


Today Suzan and Reed took me on a Bike ride. It was a nice bike ride through Cuyahoga National Park. There were a lot of nice forest places.

The top point of this trip was Beaver Marsh. is a nice swamp area. There are a lot of nice animals, birds and turtles. It was amazing to be here and view everything. I took a lot of photos of animals, turtles and birds. It was almost like taking pictures for National Geographic 😄.

From here we go to the farm market. Here we buy fuel pieces of vegetables and fruits. From here we go to a restaurant where we have a good lunch. I chose a burger with fries. I also try beer from Nicaragua. Everything was delicious.

Our last stop in this winery. it was great too. I tried different kinds of wine, which were great. With two types of cheese to snack it was heaven in mouth. So this day was very great and I thank Reed and Susan for this trip.


Today my first host, the family Anderson’s took me on another trip. Our first stop was a Second World War submarine named Cod. It was an amazing experience to be in so an old submarine because I had never seen something similar before. It was very cool to see how people live in so a small space.

There were a lot of interesting things to see. One of the most interesting things was canon which everyone could move and try to feel like a navy soldier, which shoots from the canon.

Our turn second stopwatch in a Subway where we order our lunch. I ordered a sandwich with chicken and honey mustard sauce. It was a great meal.

The third and last stop was in Virginia Kendal Park. In this place is a beautiful nature Park with an original forest and stone structures. it is very amazing how nature can make shapes and cliffs and other things. I took a lot of pictures because there were a lot of interesting mushrooms and rock formations to take pictures of them. It was a great hiking place. His a bonus I took two very nice stones. Thanks to Anderson who took me here because it was a nice place.


Today is an adventure for me because I have my second sermon here. Before church service started I went from Randy’s and Peggy‘s house to the church and before Sunday service I shook hands with all the people.

Sunday service was short but great. My sermon was about that and good bread for our spirit and soul. It is on us what we will eat good bread from God or bad bread of sin and selfishness. Indian yes burnt toast and one good toast us visuals. It was an interesting experience. A lot of people complimented me for this. So I am very happy the sermon had an impact.

Today was also my first day in my third host family. I will live with Glenn – 91 years old and guy. He lives alone because his wife passed away a few years ago. Glenn is still in good shape. He read a lot of books about Western and he likes watching TV shows.

He has a big house with a big apartment in the basement so I will live here. It is almost luxury I have a big room and my bathroom room. So I feel almost like in my own house 😄.

See you soon in the next blog.