Week 12.8  – 18.8.2024

Monday – Visit of Gloria

The pastor may start this week by visiting Gloria. Gloria is slide in her 70s. She lives in assisted living – that means that she lives in an apartment but she can go to lunch and ask workers of this facility for help.

Our life lost a few years is not easy because her husband died and she has problems with walking.

But Gloria is still in a good mood and has a nice smile. During Kolík with her, laughing a lot about things in life and church. Pastor talk a few minutes about the situation in church. Then we talk about life and how I like my stay in the US. In the end, like a traditional pastor serve Lord’s supper to Gloria and I pray for her.

It was an interesting visit. It taught me slowly how to pray for old people, like talking with them, and what I can expect from these visits.

I saw that Gloria has an interesting collection of traditional German beer glasses. I asked her why she collected them. She told me that her husband and she likes a beer and a collection of this glasses. But that was the last point of our day.

Tuesday – Art crafts in a nursing home

This day, Marilyn, who took me last week to Amish country, with her sister, took me to help and see how they do art crafts for people in nursing home. This is a very great experience for me because I never do this in a nursing home.

We craft suncatchers in the shape of sea creatures. Suncatchers have transparent foil where you can glue colorful papers and make beautiful-looking artwork. When you put the suncatcher in the window, it has beautiful colors.

I made also one sun catcher but I give it to one lady as a gift. This lady is in a nursing home because she has a broken arm and she’s not independent for a while. We talked a lot about why I am in the US. She talks about her work in church and Sunday school.

Another nice meeting was meeting with a lady which had parents from Czechia.

It was a nice visit and I hope it had a positive impact on people here. In the end, I got thanks in my native language “Ďakujem” everyone. It was cute. This visit inspires me to art classes in the future.

Thursday – Trip with Susan

Today Susan – church econimist took me to trip around Cleveland. It was funny and sometimes bizarre trip. Our first stop was Clevland’s main Catholic Cathedral. It was great building, lot of beatiful arts, sculptures and paintings. It was amazing experience for every one. Look at this beauty …

Next stop was lunch in Restaurand Shooters in Cleland downtown. It is near the beach of lake Erie. There was lot of boats and ships. Food in restaurant was great. I ordered a sandwich with Bavarian meat and salad. Most interestinng place was old lifting railway bridge. It was veri fotogenic place.

Next spot where we went was in asian super market where I Susan bought for me stuff for sushi wich I want make on church picnic. Next place wherewe stop was big shopping mall in suburbs of Cleveland. It was good and interesting time. I didn’t buy here anithing but still it was interesting see what people in America likws. Most bizare was closed christmas shop. I like Christmas only from 6th until 31th december, and there in August was note that christmas are near. It was supper funny and ironical.

Our last stop was Susan home. It was nice place. We talk a lot abourt  families and slovak roots. It was nice and good day. So thanks Susan for it!

Friday – Market with Ray

That day I was with Ray in the new place – West Side Market. Is Cleveland’s most famous marketplace where you can find fresh vegetables, meats, or fresh hand made food.

Ray showed me a lot of good shops and sellers. He bought a lot of meat for his Sunday meatloaf. I bought Slovak cheese bryndza, blackberries, and Hungarian strudel with cheese and cherry. Everything tasted amazing. So It was good purchase.

Also building of the West side market was very imposant and beautiful.

The trip ended in his favorite pizza store. Here I ordered an interesting pizza with potatoes. It was great but I got a huge piece of pizza. it was great and the staff in restaurant was very nice. In the end, Ray explained that he knows the owner of restaurant. It was a nice trip and maybe I come back to this place in the future.

Weekend – Deadly squat

Glen is a man in his 90s and I live in his house like a guest. Death squad – it is Glen’s term for “to do nothing”. That was my weekend. After many weeks of active and full program I need a break. I read books, draw pictures, and watch TV. It was a great weekend to do nothing.

In Sunday, we also do nothing. Except church. I was at church and again I help with liturgy and serving of Lord’s supper. it was nice service and Pastor mainly about how we can live with hope and believe in God through hope.

So this week was little bit shorter. But see you soon in next bog.