Week 2.9-8.9.2024

Monday – Zoo with Lisa and Gim

Today at church, Pastor Eric and I had a normal office day. I wrote a blog from last week and Pastor did his office work.

But the main point of my day was to visit the zoo with Lisa and Jim. It was a nice trip. Cleveland Zoo is a very big and interesting zoo. I saw a lot of interesting animals, which are not often like elephants, giraffes, rhinos, and lions.

I especially enjoyed leopards and bears because I don’t see them often in Zoos. It was a great and nice experience. There were lots of trees and nice green areas so animals must have here almost at home.

Tuesday – Discussion about the sermon

Traditionally, the Pastor and I have a discussion about scriptures for the next Sunday’s sermon. But today it was special because it will be my last sermon. I got a few scriptures that talk about how God heal us, people, about judging, and how Jesus helped gentle women.

After discussion, I found the idea for my sermon – the sermon will be about how Jesus can heal other people around us through our life, which was changed by Jesus, and that we need healing from him every day.

Wednesday – Homles kits and visit of Wein and Marian

Before lunch, me and Pastor go shopping for the next charity project in church – Homles kits. We buy things that people can use when they live on the street or without a home.

We go to a few shops to buy toothbrushes, toothpaste, nail clippers, and cobs. It was a good time and we bought stuff for 20 packages. In church, we short every type of item, that church members on Sunday can package for homeless people and help them like a community. It is a nice idea and I hope that in my future pastorhood, I will be able to run similar projects.

In the afternoon, we go visit Wayne and Marianne in their home. Wein is now in better shape with his leg and ribs. They were happy and in a good mood. Pastor talks about news from church and about church life.

Pastor served them, the Lord’s supper and I had again a little meditation about the parable about the pearl and merchant. I hope that this meditation was good, but I’m a little shy because sometimes I was quiet for a second and looked for the correct words. It was the last visit of this family, so I enjoyed it. In the

Thursday – Art lunch with Marilyn

Thursday’s main point was that Maryland took me to try a new food place. It was fun because we went to place place where you can buy food only by car. You must have lights on to let know personnel of the restaurant that you are here for the food. so I choose a burger and then we go to the nearest park for lunch. It was a good time. we talk about life and our families.

After lunch, Marilyn took me back to the church where she showed me her artwork and also the artwork of her mum. Her mom was a great artist but now she’s not in this world. Also, Marilyn showed me her artwork. She paints beautiful little abstract paintings in a very untraditional style. I liked them.

It is a pity that I don’t take pictures of the artwork. But they were beautiful.

Friday – Shooting range with Jim Slough

Today Jim takes me to shooting range – It was my secret wish to try shooting range in America. I’m very amazed and happy that someone takes me to the shooting range. Never before have I tried real guns so this is very special for me. In general, I like guns, but when they don’t kill someone.

We fired from a rifle and then from a revolver. The biggest fan for me was firing from the rifle. The fun part was that Jim told me that I was shutting so good to Target so I’m proud of myself 😏.

Then I tried firing from a revolver, but it was harder because a revolver is more hard to hold and aim with it. But it was fun and I hope that I hit Target a few times.
This day was great and we had good weather.

In the end, we went to Burger King to buy some food, and then in the car we talked about our lives our families, and our past. It was nice talk.
So thank you Jim for this experience it was great and I am happy that I tried it.

Visit of American Football game

In the evening Pastor takes me to the football match. He takes me here because Anderson‘s family invites me here. It was a special match because it was a match between a high school where Brandon and Liam study and another high school. And we have one more reason to go here – Brandon and Liam play in the marching band in high school and in this match, they had a performance in halftime.

It was interesting and our team was winning all the time we were in the match. it was interesting to locate and American football is an interesting sport.

The marching band was very good. There were a lot of musical instruments and girls which have performance with school flags. There were a lot of songs and music which the band played. I enjoyed every point of their performance.

The worst part of the evening was that there was a big rain and cold outside so at halftime I and Pastor had to go home because we were wet in our clothes.
But it was nice today and I enjoyed everything today.

Saturday – Making sushi for a Church Picnic

Today I had a lazy day except for one thing – I did sushi for tomorrow’s church picnic. It was a good time for me because while cooking and making sushi I listened to a lot of teological lessons that interested me. It was a nice time and I hope that this will be delicious for church members.

Sunday – Church picnic and last Sunday

This Sunday was my last Sunday in the Dr. Martin Luther church in Cleveland. I also had my last sermon here, so it was a little bit harder Sunday for me. I had little stress from my sermon. But it is not about me but about God.

But the church service was nice and I enjoyed it. my sermon was about how we can rescue people who don’t believe in Jesus and heal them and also I talked about that. We must be healed by Jesus so that people can see how Jesus healing Christians and I speak a little bit about judging. I hope that the sermon was interesting and said something to people.

After church service, we had a church picnic in a big classroom. There was a lot of good food. I eat a Zivanska sandwich, cabbage noodles, and a few cakes. Everything was great and I enjoyed this lunch. I was also happy that my complimentary – sushi and baguette a bryndza spread were tasty for church members. It was funny because some ladies ask a receipt for the spread from my mom.

I also talk with a few people and show them pictures of my home and family and talk about life in our village. It was a good time, but this time was the last time when I was with church members. So I had a little speech where I thanked everyone for a nice summer and all the trips and experiences and also for the good food 😊.

At the end, I shake hands and say bye to everyone on the picnic and I give postcards to people which takes me handouts and trips. it was a hard and sad time for me, but one thing and new things started.

So I am happy that I spend this summer in this church and for all the experience which I gained here. it is a big inspiration for my future pastoral work and sets new expectations that I have for my future job.

So see you soon in the next blog.