9.9 – 14.9.2024

Monday and Thursday 

These days were short and calm. On Monday I was in the office and wrote my blog and a few other things. Tuesday was a free day, but I spent this time packing my luggage and organizing my stuff for the airplane. This evening myself, Lisa and her dad Glenn had a good time watching television and talking about Slovakia, my family, and our life stories. It was a good time. 

Wednesday – last day 

Wednesday was my last full day in the US. I spent the main part of the day arranging my luggage and preparing everything to travel. But Pastor took me to church last time to say hello to Donna and also take a few pictures for memories. I take selfies with the donut Pastor and also I want to be photographed in liturgical clothing. I look almost like Angel. 

In the evening, We have dinner in the US. The pastor invited all families who hosted me during the summer to this dinner as thanks for the service to me and the church. We had a good time with Anderson’s family and Shiban’s family. We also had good food and we talked a lot about many things. Pastor choose a very good restaurant Winking Lizard with a beautiful panorama of Cleveland. But mainly I enjoyed this last time with all the people. And at the end, we take group selfies for memory. It was a beautiful day and also a hard day because it was hard to say goodbye.

Thursday – travel day

Thursday was my last day in the US. I must wake up very early but for breakfast, I have a little surprise – pumpkin pie from Gim. It was very good. But it was very sad, to say goodbye to the last host family – Luain, Glen and Alan. Then around seven Pastor takes me to the airport. He drove me here, escorted me to the airport terminal and we said goodbye. So It was hard to say all these last goodbyes, but one thing ended and the next will start. 

I had two flights to get home – first of us from Cleveland to Toronto and then from Toronto to Vienna. The flight from Cleveland to Toronto was quick and very fun because I sat next to the window so I was able to see the beautiful landscape from the plane. So this part of my journey home was ok.

The worst part of my journey home was a flight from Toronto to Vienna because my flight was delayed by two hours so I had to wait almost 6 hours at Toronto airport. But I have a good time here and I have a lot of my stuff. The most weird experience from my flight from Toronto to Vienna was that I had a problem with my stomach. I felt like I had eaten a CO2 bottle. 

The most terrifying on this flight divorce that we flew at night and I didn’t sleep in the night because in the plane it’s not comfortable to sleep. It was hard to be patient but it is part of life. 

Friday – Vienna and back at home 

My flight from Toronto landed in Vienna at 10 o’clock local time. It was great to see again, Europe, and familiar airports. But like Murphy’s rule, there was another test for my patience – I waited almost half an hour to pick up my luggage from the plane. But after this, I take a quick bus to the capital city of Slovakia Bratislava, where I study. The trip by bus birthday Bratislava was short. And in Bratislava, my parents waited for me. 

We met in in pizzeria where we had good pizza and tea and a long talk about my trip and how I miss my family. It was a good time. But my parents surprised me with bad news – our family car was in service so my parents took the car from car rental. This car was full of electronics and it crashed down. We were stuck for two hours until service came to recover and found that our car only needed a battery charge. It was funny but also a test of our patience.

But we made it an hour journey home was quick and we talked a lot about things in the family and the weather in Slovakia because, at this time in Slovakia, there was a big storm system, and lots of floods. But our journey was without complications. We came home around 10 o’clock in the evening. It was great to have a greeting with my brother and grandparents in our house. But we go soon to bed because this was a hard day for me and for my parents, but it was great to be gain at home after two and half months.

Saturday – Birthday celebration 

This will be my last day, which I will talk about in my blogs. It was my first full day at home. Generally, it was a calm day. But in the afternoon, we have a family celebration of my birthday, my brother’s birthday, and my mom’s name day. Universe, great party and good time with my family. I also showed pictures from US to my family and talked about my summer and experience.

Now I want to thank everyone who read all my blogs from summer. I hope that this summer experience will have an impact on my future pastoral practice. So thank you and I wish you a lot of blessings!