I miss my home town, I miss my family, I miss my girlfriend, but I am very glad that I can spend a few months in the US and experience Church life in the ELCA. This was my 3rd week in Lebanon Lutheran Church in Whitehall, MI.

There are some of my first-times:

1. the first time in the USA

2. the first real Mexican food

3. the first time in the country where nobody around me speaks Slovak, but has a lot of ancestors in the Central Europe

4. the first time in a kayak

5. the first experience of the 4th of July

6.the first sailing and not just a passenger

7. the first time at a Jewish Sabbath worship

8. the first time swimming in the Lake Michigen

9. the first summer at a sandy beach

10. the first ‎Smörgåsbord‬ ever

Emil White Lake DSC_9727DSC_9680‎Smörgåsbord‬In US colours