Week 26.8 – 1.9.2024

Monday and Tuesday – nothing special

Monday and Tuesday were normal days in the office with Pastor Eric. Pastor Erik will have a sermon. On Tuesday was our task to discuss scriptures and ideas for the next sermon.

Wednesday – Contact zoo and lighthouse

On Wednesday, Merlin again takes me on another trip. This time it was a bigger trip with few stops. The first stop was Deer Park – a contact zoo where you can feed and touch, dears, llamas goats, chickens, sheep, and peacocks. It was great fun to feed them and take pictures. I also saw pigeons, bison, and Emu birds.

The most cute animals were little goats.

But adult goats were rude and pushful because every time they bite or touch me to feed them.

From Deer Park, we ride to Arby’s for lunch. We had good burgers and something to drink. The next stop was a big cheese shop where I bought some cheese for taste. It was an interesting shop with a funny mouse logo.

Our next stop was Marblehead Lighthouse. It wasn’t a beautiful park with a lighthouse. I go to the lighthouse. The views and panorama from the lighthouse were amazing. I saw a lot of land from far away.

Also, walk around the lighthouse because there was a nice park with a beautiful lake coast.

Our last stop was the spot where you can see birds in the swamp area. We saw only a few birds. With my glasses, we were able to see a white Eagle and one other vulture. It was a nice area with beautiful natural scenery. This was the end of our trip. Next hour and halfway drive back home and talk a little bit about life. It was a beautiful trip. Thanks for the trip, Merlyn!

Thursday – visit of Geil

Today we went to visit Gail, who lives in a nursing home far from the church. She is a nice lady, and we went to visit her second time this summer. It was a great visit with talk and joy.

This boy was special to me because the Pastor gave me a little task – have a little sermon for the Lord’s supper. My meditation was about the parable Merchant and Pearl. I told them that Jesus bought us for a high price and also that we must pay a big price to be Christians. That also means that Jesus owns us not only with good things but also with our troubles and suffering. He has solidarity with us.

After my meditation, Pastor gave Gail and his daughter, who was there and visited communion. We talked a little bit about my summer host and in the end, we wished each other good luck in the future.

Friday – hangout with Pegy

This afternoon, Peggy Hammond, took me to the beach. I was very excited that we went to the beach but the beautiful sunny weather quickly changed to bad weather with strong wind and rain. It was funny because from minute to minute weather was changed radically. We had to catch our stuff because the strong wind almost took our things away.

So we changed our plans and we went to Winking Lizard pub to drink. It was a good time. We talk with Peggy about life and what is new. As drinks, we choose the Margherita cocktail. It was good and not as strong as I expected. The biggest surprise was that we tried fried pickles. It can sound weird but it was good.

Then, the last stop was dinner at Peggy’s and Randy’s house. Here I talk a lot with Randy about life. Today he showed me something special – his revolver. It was very interesting to see it and touch it.
And also dinner was great. Peggy made vegetable lasagne. So it was a nice day.

Saturday – Beer with Vlad and Sindy

Today was lazy in the forenoon. I was relaxing mostly. The main part of the day was a trip with Vlad and her girlfriend Sindy. They took me to Cleveland downtown to dinner and a walk. We have dinner at Masthead Brewery. They have great beer. I had four samples of beer. We also ordered Margherita pizza which was good but the dough was a little undercooked.

After that, we went to walk to downtown. It was an amazing walk I saw a lot of skyscrapers and tall buildings. At this time was the “golden hour” when the sun hit horizontally so I took a lot of great pictures.

It was a nice trip and good exercise. So thank you Vlad and Sindy for this beautiful day!

Sunday – Steak house with Vlad and Sindy

Today after church, Vlad and Sindy went to lunch at a steak house. This steak house has the name Longhorn. It is a nice place. After we arrived there, we had to wait a few minutes to be seated. It was a good time to talk.

The meal was great. I ordered a small “well done” steak, which was delicious. The first time in my life that I was in a steakhouse, and had true American steak. Lakeside ordered baked potato and broccoli. So everything was great.

After this, me and Vlad go to his favorite park. Sindy was tired so she went home. Vladka long walks in the park and talks a lot about life in Slovakia and in the US. He also showed me his workplace when he worked. He is the driver of pick-up deliveries for FedEx. it was a good time to talk with him and share something from our lives.

And that was the end of our day. I take a few pictures from the park and we go home. It was great today and last week.

See you soon in the next blog.