Week 19.8 – 25.8.2024

Distribution of fliers

From Monday to Wednesday me and pastor Eric distribute around 3,000 fliers. It was a lot of walking but very good exercise. We go from house to house to put fliers on doors. Sometimes I could not put up fliers because so people don’t allow soliciting. The most scary part of this job was talking to people. Sometimes was someone out of the house and these moments were good chances to invite people personally. So I hope that people will come to the Church carnival on Sunday and fliers will have an impact.

Thursday – Shopping for hygienic kits

Who does not like shopping? And today it is for a good thing. Pastor and I on this day had the task of buying things to hygienic kits for people who are impacted by natural disasters or wars. These kits include a towel, soap, toothbrush, nail cuter, and cob for hair.

We went to a few shops to buy these things. It was fun to look for things which are in one shop but in a limited amount. But we buy enough stuff for 20 hygienic kits which will help 20 people.

In the afternoon we pack these things together and short them. The funny part was unwrapping nail cutters. Some of them had in the package also two nail files. Fortunately, church secretary Dona took them, so they didn’t end up in the garbage. I also take one for every reason.

Friday – My art skills

On Friday, my main task was to prepare four signs for church. Carnival. I was happy that I could use my art skills to help with the church carnival. It was so long and a little bit hard job, but I enjoyed it. During this work, I listened to a few podcasts so it was a good time for me. And in the end, it is nice work. I am proud of it and I believe that it is good commercials for church events.

Saturday – I do Sushi

Saturday was a day full of relaxing and also cooking. Today I got a task to prepare lunch. There will be more people at the lunch like normal. Except for Glenn and his daughter Lisa, there will be Lisa’s husband, Jim, her Luain sister with her husband Aland, and their nephews, daughter with her husband.

Preparing Sushi was a hard but interesting task. It is my favorite food and people say that my recipe is good. Sushi is easy and quick food, except by rolling it to seaweed. I started by cutting off vegetables and boiling rice. After this, I put rice, fish, and vegetables into the seagrass. I made four rolls of sushi and also scrambled eggs and salmon-like side dishes. Lisa and Jim prepared a great salad.

Everybody complains good lunch. I was glad to listen to this. I was worried that some people would not like it. But in the end, I am happy that my lunch was tasty and healthy.

Sunday – Church carnival

On Sunday after Church worship was the Church carnival in the afternoon. At first, I help build a canopy for arts and crafts. It was fun because there was a lot of work with rope tying. It was hard because from 4 pictures in the instructions, it was hard to understand. But we build it.

I like the idea of Carnival for Christ. Church offers everything at this event for free – games, bouncy castle, food, jazz capela, and raffle tickets. Pastor Eric and I distributed around 3000 fliers to houses to let people know that there is a church that wants to have contact with the community. Church is here for free and for everyone.

At the Church carnival, I help in the kitchen. At first, we prepare everything for serving food for guests who come to the church carnival. We distribute the water and other supplies.

And then I and another ladies in the kitchen. Serves meals for guests. Church had in offer, smoked pork, hotdogs, macaroni salad, cakes, cookies, and watermelon. I serving macaroni salad. It was great to serve salad and talk with guests.

It was a beautiful event with good music and food. I hope that we also help people who can not afford other festivals which are paid for. It is a big inspiration for me to future, do something similar in my future church.

And that is the end. See you soon in the next blog.