Swimm lessons were only 5 days long, but I spent whole week before them by preparing program, Bible stories and arts& crafts projects. I had huge problem with translating my ideas in English language. I had no idea how to name some things- for example cardboard paper, craft sticks etc. I was asking for translation all the time (mostly I just pointed my finger at something and aks some stupid question like: What’s this?) For the first two days, I was leading arts& crafts projects, next 3 days, I was in charge of Bible stories. It was huge fun. All week, we’ve been talking about “Jesus and water”, also arts& crafts were connected to this topic. When I was teaching story about Jesus walking on the water, one kid asked me, how he could swimm, how we get in the water. Being with those kids was great blessing, and I’ve learnt several things- for example, that it is really true, that kid is never misbehaving for no reason.
What I experienced these two weeks?
- Unityfest
- moving to different family
- teaching Biblestories in English
- Walmart
- hiking
- writing and preaching sermon
- funeral service
The best from these weeks
Preching a sermon. This sermon was more personal, than previous one, because in the beggining I was talking about suicide of Chester Bennington, one of my favourute musicians. After preaching many people came to talk to me, and they were sharing their own experiences with depresion, or with depressed people, or loosing someone. When I was writting my sermon, I was quite worried, about their reaction, but it ended up being very good. Here is little piece of it:
We are creating universe for others. We create place in which others live. I am begging you to fill this space with God’s love, with peace, that he brought here, with his cross, that saves us, so there will be no more Chesters, no more depressed people. Everybody will sink in the water from time to time, everybody will doubt, everybody will question God’s existence and love, but don’t let people around you drown.
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