It’s been three weeks now since my last update, so I’m sorry for being late, but I had very productive weeks.
– Since my last post I got to preach three times – first time it was on August 9th, when I preached at saint Mark’s Lutheran, and then on August 16th, when I preached at saint Mark’s Lutheran and Luther Crest, which is a Senior Living Community and a part of Lutheran Diakonia. The last sermon I had was yesterday, which was at saint John’s Lutheran church in Reading. The reaction to all three sermons was very good. What honoured me the most was the fact that when I was preaching at Luther Crest one of the persons listening to my sermon was rev. Manfred Bahmann. He is an German author of his autobiography “When All hell Breaks Loose” in which he talks about his spiritual journey from Nazi Germany to South America and eventually to USA. He studied at three seminaries (three in Germany and two in USA, where he got his doctorate). And his comment to my sermon was “Sehr gut! Very good, I was surprised!” So that was a very big encouragement. In all four services I chanted the Slovak version of the Lord’s Prayer, which a lot of people found to be a very spiritual experience, for which I was glad.
– From August 3rd to 7th I was a part of a children’s VBS (Vacation Bible Study) at Christ Lutheran church, where I helped out with the organization, photos, with the children and helped out at the “stands” where they needed help (there were four “stands”: story time, crafts, snack table and playing outside). It was a great experience to see how Bible studies for children are done here, and there were a lot of interesting things that can be used in my home churches. On Wednesday before the actual VBS we went to a Cow Farm, just so the children can see the whole procedure of how the milk is made.
– From August 10th to 14th I was helping out with Summer Music camp that was held at Atonement Lutheran church in Wyomissing (the one I attended two years ago also). The kids were divided into three groups by age, and I got to take care of the eldest group. We were preparing a musical called “Splash” which talked about many stories from the Bible that had an element of water in them. Needless to say – the songs were so catchy that I still hum them every day. We had four stops for the kids: story time, theater games, snacks and games and then the longest one was the rehearsal of the songs. On Friday we had the actual performance and the children did an excellent job! I was proud I got to help them out with their musical.
– We also did a few visitations during these three weeks and had Bible studies every week with the pastors.
– As for fun, I went with Doug and Helen to an outdoor concert of a guy who does mostly Celtic songs, yesterday I went to Hershey’s amusement park and on Thursday I went to New York a whole day. But that is a story that deserves a post on its own! So it’s been a crazy three weekends, mostly working with children and writing sermons! Here you have the pictures:
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