Every day is full of the miracles. During bible study with elder ladies around the table I realized, what this bible text says:.


You are the God who performs miracles, you display your power among the peoples.

Then we took question: What is a miracle for you? This answer was so easy for me but just only in this case. I am in America and its not a dream. That’s reality. Now its clear, just being here is a miracle for me.

Another thing, about what I was thinking about are the miracles, that we don’t see or don’t care about them. These small things make our life more beautiful.

For example, I was in a senior home at the worship service and suddenly a man came with a dog. Everyone looked at the dog  and he jumped on the lady with wheelchair. She was surprised but then she started to laugh. Wasn’t that a miracle?

Daily situations make our life prettier. This last Sunday was more than I expected. A common thing for pastors and a big miracle for me. I was glad to serve communion with pastor Katya for Cooksville people. It’s really hard to explain my feelings, such an amazing time and rewarding.

The blood of Christ shed for you.

I had a special feeling in church that day. Can you imagine I had ,,goose bumps”? Pastor Katya Ouchakof gave me this work and I couldn’t believe that  I might regret, not being a pastor. I wasn’t sad I was only suprised, about the feeling the pastor has when serving communion. First time I observed it from another perspective and that was a big deal. I am gratefull that pastor Katya gave me this experience and chance to serve communion together.

That was a miracle with slovak heart on the American earth.