This week was one of the best weeks of my summer! I went to camp Lutherhill in La Grange. I got to see another kind of ministry focused on kids, I got to know more people and to have a lots of fun!

At first I was really afraid to go. I know it doesn´t look that way, but I am actually really shy. But none of my fears come true. I had so many amazing conversations and experienced so much during this week. Went canoeing, done archery.

I am just gonna leave you with one more thought. In London, on my way to the USA, I started reading Little women. And as I read through the first chapter, I found a quote that precisely summed up my expectations for this summer:

“A year seems very long (or even 3 months) to wait before I see them, but remind them that while we wait we may all work, so that these hard days need not be wasted. I know they will remember all I said to them, that they will be loving children to you, will do their duty faithfully, fight their bosom enemies bravely, and conquer themselves so beautifully that when I come back to them I may be fonder and prouder than ever of my little women.”

I wanted to share this at the end of my summer, but when I was yesterday thinking about who am I and what kind of person I want to be (since the theme of the camp was “Be someone…”) I decided to do it now. Michaela wants to be someone God and I would be proud of!