A few years ago, when I wrote and added my last post on this website, I never thought I would be coming back here. I couldn´t even find the password to sign in. And yet, I am back. So first of all, I would like to thank to everyone, who made that possible, thank SZS for supporting me in my studies and for allowing me to be part of this program again!
Since I didn´t really remember a lot from back then, let me just introduce myself once again. My name is Michaela Prihracki, it used to be Michaela Honsová, but I got married to this amazing man Pavel, whom you can also find in the old posts he wrote from his summer internship in Michigan. We are both PhD students at Evangelical Lutheran Faculty at Comenius University in Bratislava.
This time in America, I have an opportunity to visit, see, get to know and experience Texas. It wouldn´t be my first choice, but now that I am here, I am really glad to be here. It is gorgeous country with different culture than mine.

I came to Houston on June, 11th and then traveled to Schulenburg, where I stayed with my first american family. Few days later I moved to parsonage with pastor Lemae. I really did grew so fond of my previous family, that I miss them already!
I already went on few visits at the Senior center and even spent some time playing games with people there. It was such a wonderful time. And especially for people who don´t work anymore, and their days can be a little lonely. I am really looking forward to coming back here.
On Tuesday I had a chance to meet the council and get to know them. The meeting gave me a glimps of the situation in the church congregation and what they are looking forward to, or maybe even what they are struggling with. Most of them went also to Bible study the other day.
We are traveling a lot with pastor Lemae- not only to close towns, but we went to Houston to the pastors meeting and then yesterday, to the concert to Round Top, TX.
Life here is so much different. I am used to living in the city, here in the countryside is it too dark and too quiet when I go to bed. I see a lot of animals, most of them I don´t mind. I still have a lot to learn, but I think like slowly I am getting settled in.