During my stay in America I have had a chance to experience American Day Camp. It was organized by my fiancee’s host congregation, Lebanon Lutheran Church in Whitehall. What a great opportunity! I spent the whole week studying “how Americans do it” and my fiancee was there too. Kids are the same everywhere: curious, playful and ready to learn. Some kids called me: “the guy who speaks weird” or “the Slovak guy”. One little lady asked me: “Why do you speak so weird?.” I responded: “I am not an American, sweetie”. She said: “It doesn’t matter; speak the way we do!”. That was the first time I was able to feel like a foreigner. That’s one of the reasons why I like kids. They are honest about their thoughts.

During my week in Whitehall Miška and I experienced a proper American sandwich. It’s really true. America is big and tasty. Oh yeah, and we were also at the beach…