Week 8.7 – 14.7.2024

In Funeral House

This week started very sadly. On Monday I and pastor Erik went to the funeral home where was Garth in a casket. This time was for people who wanted to see the last time before he left for eternity.
We also visit one man with broken ribs and a woman with a blood clot in the hospital. These visits were normal and calm. Nothing serious.

It was sad to see all the family members and people from the church who went here to say Goodbye. But in second hand it was very nice and beautiful how many people and family members go here. It was a nice and empathic place.

Also, I gave one question to pastor Eric. I ask him if he has prepared some example sermons for funerals. Hey and swear a little bit surprised me that he says that he never has example sermons for funerals. Each funeral is for him a new sermon. He tells me that it’s not polite to a person who passed away. I think it’s a good point it’s a good inspiration for my future work that I will not, have free or for example, sermons for funerals but every time I prepare me sermon for every dead person. It is the most decent and honest manner how to remember a dead person.

The top point of this day was that one man in the church fell from the ladder and broke his hip. Fortunately, it was not serious but a little funny, how adventurous can be life of a pastor in one day.

Garth’s funeral

Tuesday was the saddest day of this week. It was Gart’s funeral. 
But the funeral ceremony was very interesting and beautiful to me. It was very impressive that Pastor Erik was able to use a few jokes in a sermon for this sad occasion. For me more stressful at this funeral was saying the Lord’s prayer before the Lord’s supper and Slovak. But people said that it was great. So I hope that helps Garth’s family to be not ruined by his death.

After the funeral ceremony in church we go to the cemetery are we say last goodbye and then everyone goes to the funeral lunch. Was very impressive that a lot of women from the church prepared good food for the family and everyone after the funeral. It was a good time to talk and spend a few hours with other people who needed lift and empathy.


This day was normal and a little bit relaxed after the funeral. The main point of this day was that my host family Andersons talked me to the community aquapark. It was a great and relaxed time for me to go here.


Thursday we go to visit a man with a broken hip. He was after Wednesday’s surgery so it was better than at the start. But it was a very hard time for him because he had to stay one and a half days without water and food. After all, doctors don’t take him to surgery on the time. I am very happy that he is in great shape after this.

So visit it was a little funny and in good mood. We talked about surgery and how hard it was for this man. We also pray for him. One fun fact is that he speaks a little bit of Slovak. It was good to refresh my body. I was in two kinds of saunas in the wellness pool and in the pool where I swim a few times. It was also great exercise and a repeat of my swimming skills.

In the end, we stopped at a local special ice cream spot. Anderson bought me great ice cream. It was very tasty vanilla ice cream with cherry topping. Great end of the day.

Saturday at Niagara Falls

Saturday was my last day in Anderson’s family. Anderson’s wants to make this day special so they took me to Niagara Falls. 

The road trip from Cleveland to Niagara Falls was around three and a half hours long. When we arrived at Niagara Falls was very interesting to see Skyscrapers on the Canadian side of the falls. We start our tour by walking around near Niagara Falls. There were a lot of nice and beautiful nature spots and views. I took around 500 photos of this place because it was amazing how nature looks here.

After this, we go to a boat that sails under the waterfalls. We must wait 45 minutes to board to boat. Waiting was long and very hard for the temperature Waiting was long and very hard for the temperature outside.

But sailing by boat was a great and adventurous experience. It’s hard to explain my emotions from this moment. In one part of the sailing, there were big waves so the boat was rocked. There was also a lot of humidity and a lot of birds. It was an adventure full of nice views. What can be greater than seeing one of the seven wonders of the world?

On this place, I want to thank Anderson’s family for the day. Take me on this trip and for two great weeks in their nice home. And one special tank is for Liam, who sacrifices his room for me. (Maybe it was not a sacrifice because he sleeps in the living room, where his favorite PlayStation 😄.)


This Sunday was not special but calm and relaxed. Pastor Eric had a good sermon. Sunday worship was great and I also enjoyed meeting after church.
Church members prepared a few snacks and small cakes. I like this concept of spending time together after worship. It is better to spread out after worship.

After the pastor, Erik invited me and his daughter to lunch. We go to our restaurant with name schnitzel house. It was a great culinary experience. They have good German food and also homemade beers. I tried four different small beers, which were amazing and interesting. The most interesting beer was beer with a taste of chocolate.

See you soon in the next blog.