Dear Members of Slovak Zion Synod,

Greetings in this Advent season, as we prepare for the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am writing to you on behalf of the Slovak Zion Synod to invite you and your congregation to participate in this year’s Assembly Offering. Our assembly in-gathering of gifts will be received and recognized at the Synod Assembly on January 20-25, 2018. For those not attending the assembly, this special offering may be sent to the synod with the notation: 2018 Assembly Offering.

This offering is an opportunity for all of us to go the extra mile and give a special thank offering and gift of love (in Slovak, a milodar) that is in addition to our regular benevolence commitment. This gift to the Slovak Zion Synod Special Appeal will support the mission of our Synod as it provides special care to congregations and ministries in the United States as well as outreach to our partners in Central and Eastern Europe and beyond.

In the past our congregations have gathered this offering in various ways:

  • By taking a special second offering on a designated Sunday;
  • By providing a special envelope to be used in the offering plate by the end of December;
  • By providing an envelope in the church newsletter; or
  • By sending a special gift from the congregation’s treasury on behalf of all the members.

Even though not everyone is able to be present at the Synod Assembly, consider that your congregation’s offering, given on the occasion of our Assembly, represents you and your grateful response for the blessings that you have received in your individual lives and as a congregation.

As we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child in Bethlehem, may gratitude for the gift of Emmanuel, God with us, guide you in your generosity as you respond to God’s abundant gifts.


Bishop Wilma S. Kucharek